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About Giftscop


Giftscop is a playable recreation of Petscop, a fictional game depicted within the Petscop YouTube series.

Our goal is to recreate the game from the original videos, as accurately as is reasonably possible.

We intend to recreate Petscop as it exists in the original series, not to expand upon it. For instance, we will not attempt to "finish" the Gift Plane by adding more levels. It is unfinished in Petscop, so this is how it will be in Giftscop.

We do not consider whether this will result in something that is fun to play, as it is irrelevant to our goal. If you enjoy Petscop's gameplay, great! If you do not enjoy it, you should not expect us to amend these parts of the project.

Certain events involving characters like Marvin and Tiara are not handled as scripted events. Instead, we intend to implement systems that make it possible for such interactions to occur naturally, e.g. multiplayer.


With Giftscop, you can play through a recreated version of Petscop, according to our interpretations of how it works.

While Giftscop does allow you to play through the game, it is not a substitute for watching the original Petscop series. If you play Giftscop without having watched the series, you will be missing out on key information such as Paul's commentary and the video descriptions. Giftscop is made for those who have seen all of the original videos.

Additionally, the series is ambiguous about how some parts of the game function. We've implemented several of these parts according to our interpretations, but we do not intend for these to be treated as the "correct" interpretations.

Giftscop is a recreation of Petscop and not a standalone or original game. With our goal in mind, this means that Giftscop is more aimed at being accurate to Petscop, not being playable by regular gameplay standards. There are parts of Petscop that are tedious and objectively not "fun", and those are reflected accurately in Giftscop. Please expect this element while playing through the game.

At the top right of the Giftscop application, a watermark that says "Recreation" is present. This cannot be removed. The purpose of the watermark is to make it clear that Giftscop is a recreation of Petscop, and not real Petscop footage. This helps prevent people from misleading others, intentionally or otherwise, into believing Giftscop is actual Petscop or that Petscop is a real game.

For our documentation of info and help for playing Giftscop, please see the Info & Help page.


On occasion, we have added extra features into Giftscop, such as extra rooms and multiplayer activities. For the most part, these have nothing to do with the original series; they're added just for fun.

While we hope that these extras are enjoyable for players and appreciate that people like them, we also hope that people understand that they are entirely secondary to our main goal of recreating Petscop. Sometimes we will modify or remove extra features if they conflict with our main goal, or are otherwise causing problems.

We do not recommend becoming too attached to any of these features, or expecting us to focus on them, as this will only lead to disappointment. Please remember that this is a recreation of Petscop.