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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Giftscop?

Giftscop is a playable recreation of the fictional game depicted in Petscop.

Our goal is to remake the Petscop game as accurately as is reasonably possible, including parts which are unfinished, contain bugs, or otherwise inconvenient. Our goal is not to expand beyond what is shown in the videos.

What is Petscop?

Petscop is a video series focused on a fictional game (also called Petscop) for the original PlayStation. It can be found on its official YouTube channel.

Should I watch Petscop before playing Giftscop?


We strongly recommend watching the original Petscop videos before playing Giftscop.

If you play Giftscop without having seen Petscop, various parts of the game will be significantly more confusing or near impossible. Giftscop is designed for people who have watched the original Petscop videos.

I haven't watched Petscop, but I did watch a video summarizing it. Will Giftscop still be confusing?

Yes, it will still be confusing. You should watch the actual Petscop videos first.

Most summary and theory videos focus primarily on Petscop's plot and the interpretation of whoever made the video. They do not cover certain gameplay features which have little impact on the plot itself, but significant impact on how a playthrough of the game will work. Watching the original videos best provides this information.

Who made Giftscop?

Giftscop was started by James9270. After sharing development progress, other people took interest and offered help on the project.

Currently, Giftscop is primarily being developed by James9270 and axetion. The website and multiplayer server are being hosted by ugng. The website content is maintained by perischi and James9270, with assistance from ugng.

For a complete list of credits for Giftscop, visit the credits page.

Is Giftscop finished?


Are you still working on Giftscop?


What do you plan on adding to Giftscop?

Our current plans are to expand upon the recording system so that it can fully account for events like Marvin's appearance in Petscop 8, the pink tool, and other interactions involving multiple players. We also intend to connect it with multiplayer so that these types of interactions may occur naturally during gameplay, while also aligning multiplayer more closely with the rest of the project.

These are not the only plans for Giftscop, but it is what we have in mind right now.

When will you release the next version of Giftscop?

We do not plan release dates in advance. Instead, we publish new builds when we feel like we've implemented enough changes to justify a new version, and said changes are stable enough to release publicly.

Because of this, it is impossible to say exactly when the next version will be released.

Is Giftscop open source?


Can I contribute to Giftscop?

You can make useful bug reports and help us find original source textures; join our Discord server for more details.

I have a suggestion for Giftscop, can I submit it?

You can (through our Discord server), but keep in mind that most suggestions will be rejected unless it is beneficial to our goal of accurately recreating Petscop.

Does the creator of Petscop know about Giftscop?

Petscop's creator knows about and has no issue with Giftscop.

Does Giftscop use official Petscop assets?

Only the soundtrack, which was used with permission.

Besides images ripped from the videos on YouTube like loading screens and such, the only "official" Petscop asset Giftscop uses is the soundtrack, which we have permission from the creator of Petscop to use. Everything else is recreated by hand or from the original sources that Petscop used.

Can Giftscop be used to understand Petscop better, or discover things not shown in Petscop?

While Giftscop may help in understanding parts of the Petscop game itself, it cannot be used to discover any information that is not shown within the original series; Giftscop is a recreation of Petscop, only looking to replicate what is shown in the videos.

Will you add new content, such as the other homes in the Gift Plane?

No. Our goal is to recreate the game as it exists in the original series, not to expand upon it.

The Gift Plane is unfinished in the videos, so that is how it will be in Giftscop.

Will you add the censored objects?

No. These parts of the series are intentionally ambiguous, and we would not like anything we come up with to be treated as the "correct" interpretation by fans of Giftscop.

Petscop 20 shows four "caskets" which presumably correspond with several of the censored objects, but we do not intend to use these in place of the censored objects, because the versions seen in Petscop 20 are stated to be unfinished; What's actually behind the censor boxes would not be identical to the caskets from Petscop 20.

Why not add the black boxes from the videos?

Because the black boxes were edited onto the video footage after it was recorded, rather than being a part of the game itself; our goal is to recreate the game, not the video footage.

Will you recreate any other fictional games?


Why does it say "Recreation" in the corner of the screen? Can I turn that off?

We added a recreation watermark to the game in order to make it directly clear to the player that Giftscop is not an official version of Petscop. Additionally, if anyone shares screenshots or videos of Giftscop, people won't be misled into thinking it's from the original Petscop series.

It is not possible to disable the watermark, as this would undermine its purpose.

Can I use Giftscop to create fanmade Petscop videos?

Yes, but we don't want Giftscop to be used in such a way that would trick the audience into thinking it's official Petscop content.

If you create fanmade Petscop videos, we ask that you make it directly clear to the audience that the video is fanmade - please do not hide this information away or make it hard to find out that it is fanmade. If the recreation watermark is visible, no special action is necessary.

Additionally, please keep in mind that Giftscop was not designed for this purpose, and we do not intend to implement any features to help with this sort of thing.

But Petscop ended years ago. Why do you care if someone makes fake videos now?

Having been a part of Petscop's community, we have observed that not everyone understands that official Petscop content can only be found on the original YouTube channel, and even though the series is over, new people are still finding out about Petscop and are looking to experience it for the first time. With this in mind, the fact that the series is over is irrelevant. People can still be misled, and some people are still intending to create misleading (or "gamejacking") content.

Additionally, there are numerous parts of the series where the exact functionality of the game is very ambiguous. For Giftscop, we've implemented things according to how we interpret those parts of the series, but we don't want them to be seen as the "correct" interpretations or to poison people's own perspectives on the series.

Are you recreating Paul's experience specifically, or the game itself?

Our goal is to recreate the game itself, not Paul's experience in particular.

That said, most of the videos are recorded from Paul's perspective, so it is difficult to distinguish the two.


How do I save my progress?

Open the pause menu (via the start button), select the Quit Game option, and then select Save and Quit. Your progress will be saved, and you will return to the title screen.

How do I catch Amber?

Amber can be caught via the method Paul uses in the first Petscop video.

I locked myself in Amber's cage. How do I get out?

You cannot.

This is intended to be consistent with Petscop 19, where a recording shows the player trapped inside Amber's cage.

That said, as long as you did not save the game after getting stuck, you may quit without saving and return to where you last saved.

I entered the code in Roneth's room but nothing happened. Is this a bug?

If nothing happens when you enter the code, chances are that you simply entered it wrong. This part of Giftscop has been tested very thoroughly, and we are certain that it works.

If you are completely certain that you are inputting the code correctly, it may be an issue with how your controls are configured, or an issue with the keyboard or controller you are using.

When you enter the code correctly, a sound will play and the music will stop, like in the original Petscop videos. Entering it again on the same file will do nothing.

I entered the code and went to the Newmaker Plane, but I can't find anything. Where do I go from here?

The walkthrough discusses where to go from here.

I got lost on the Newmaker Plane. What should I do?

If you have not yet saved your progress, you may quit without saving, and reload your file to return to your previous save point. Otherwise, Petscop does not provide any means to return to a landmark on the Newmaker Plane, and neither does Giftscop.

When navigating the Newmaker Plane, we recommend saving your progress at a landmark, such as the brick building or cellar door, before moving to your destination. This way, if you get lost you can simply reload your file to return to where you started.

Does the Newmaker Plane loop? Or is it infinite?

It is infinite.

Can I skip watching the windmill for several hours?

Yes. To skip it, simply proceed with the rest of the game. Watching the windmill is not required to access later content.

If you don't want to wait, but still want to see what happens when you watch the windmill, you should just watch Petscop 6. The event in Giftscop is the same as the original video, so you won't be missing out on anything.

Can I change my appearance to look like other characters, such as Marvin or Tiara?


In Petscop, everyone always sees themselves as the regular guardian. The other appearances, such as Marvin's green head and Paul's red triangle head, are only visible from the perspective of other players. This is demonstrated in videos where another player's perspective is shown, such as Belle in Petscop 12 and Marvin in Petscop 20.

Petscop 12 and 20 also include additional differences in Belle's and Marvin's copies of the game, such as there being no pieces in Marvin's game, or different rooms being accessible. Because we only see a very small amount of the game from the perspectives of other players, Giftscop is designed to function like Paul's copy of the game. As a result, you will appear with the red triangle head to other players, as Paul does in Petscop 12.

I started a new save file, but the Garalina logo is still tilted. Can I revert this?

Certain things carry over from previous playthroughs and other save files; Giftscop refers to this as your global data. Deleting your save file does not delete your global data, so starting a new file will not be the same as starting from scratch.

If you want to completely start over, go to the persistent data folder and delete the entire savedata folder. You can also delete the recordings folder to remove past recordings.

Parts of the game are boring or frustrating. Will you improve this?


These parts are based on how Petscop was presented originally; while many of them are optional in reaching the end of the game, we will keep them how they function in the videos.

Our goal is to recreate Petscop as it appears in the original series, including the parts that are boring or frustrating. Whether this results in a project that is fun to play is not something we consider, because it is irrelevant to our goal.

If you want to experience Petscop's story without this type of gameplay, we recommend simply watching the original videos. The original series also contains story information that cannot be found in Giftscop, such as through Paul's commentary and the video descriptions.

How do I use P2 to TALK?

You may press tab to switch between P1 and P2 input modes. This is intended to emulate using a second controller plugged into the console's P2 port.

From there, simply press buttons in the P2 mode, and they will appear above the guardian's head. After you have finished inputting a word, you may press select (controlled by spacebar by default) to send the message.

P2 to TALK is inaccessible under certain circumstances. For more information, visit the P2 to TALK page.

Why are the directional buttons backwards?

They are not.

On their own, as in Petscop's button icons, they look like backwards arrows because of how they are arranged on the PlayStation controller. If you look at an image of a controller, you will see that they are not actually backwards:

Image of a PlayStation controller

As shown in the image, the directional buttons are arranged as follows:

  • Left = Left
  • Right = Right
  • Down = Down
  • Up = Up

How do the in-game clocks work?

They use an in-game timer which is initialized to the current time in Eastern Time (UTC-05:00).

While it is not clear how the in-game clocks function in the origial series, we picked Eastern Time because this aligns with the area code in Petscop 16, and the location listed on the official soundtrack, which both correspond with Connecticut.

The current ingame time is approximately 00:00 **.

Are questions for the red tool case-sensitive?



What are the controls?

They are documented on the info page.

You should think of Giftscop's keyboard controls like they would be in a PlayStation emulator: Keys are mapped to buttons on a virtual controller.

Can I change the controls?


You can change the controls by modifying the controls.ini file inside the persistent data folder.

To open the persistent data folder, press F10 while the game is running. After saving your changes to controls.ini, you must close and reopen the game for said changes to take effect. Each button may be configured to use any of Unity's KeyCodes.

Can I play Giftscop with a controller?

Yes, but you must configure them manually by modifying the controls.ini file inside the persistent data folder, which may be opened by pressing F10.

You may use gscontroltest, located in the same folder as the game's executable, to query the names of controller buttons as they are detected. A list of controller input names may be found below:

  • JoystickButton0 through JoystickButton19
  • Axis00+ through Axis27+
  • Axis00- through Axis27-

In the future, we hope to make this process more intuitive.

Can I play Giftscop in fullscreen?

Yes. Press F11 to toggle fullscreen.

Can I play Giftscop on an Android device?

While Giftscop is not supported natively on Android, you may use the PlayStation version of Giftscop in a PlayStation emulator.

Can I turn off the composite video filter?

Yes. It can be toggled via the ntsc option in the settings.ini file. More information may be found here.

I found a bug, how do I report it?

You may report Giftscop bugs using the #bug-reports channel in our Discord server.

When reporting issues, please:

  • Do provide clear steps for us to reproduce the issue.
  • Do provide details on what you're running Giftscop on.
  • Do not report bugs that appear in the original Petscop videos; they were added to Giftscop intentionally.
  • Do not report inconveniences as bugs/issues; Giftscop is intended to reflect these accurately.

If you are not sure whether something is a bug, feel free to ask in our Discord server.

I found an issue with the website, how do I report it?

You can let us know about issues with the website by joining our Discord server and letting us know with details.

My antivirus says Giftscop is dangerous. Is Giftscop a virus?

Some antiviruses (particularly virustotal) are known to incorrectly label Giftscop as malicious. This is a false positive. These applications function in such a way that causes false positives to occur quite frequently.

In some cases, these same antiviruses will flag extremely simple, nonmalicous applications, such as default Unity projects, or C/C++ applications that do nothing at all, e.g. int main() { return 0; }.

Assuming you downloaded Giftscop from our official download page, these warnings may be safely ignored, as Giftscop does not contain any malware.

The exe file is automatically deleted when I try to run Giftscop

This can be caused by antivirus software. As mentioned in the previous question, Giftscop will appear as a false positive in some antiviruses. To make it stop deleting the exe, you must configure your antivirus to allow Giftscop to run.

Does Giftscop record what I do? What data is recorded?

As shown in Petscop (particularly Petscop 14 and Petscop 19), the game creates recordings from all of your gameplay sessions. Because our goal is to accurately recreate Petscop, we have implemented this functionality into Giftscop.

Giftscop's recordings store the following data:

  • Game save data from the beginning of the session.
  • All game inputs that occurred during the recorded session.

Inputs are stored according to their function within the game, and it is not possible to determine which keys were pressed by just looking at a recording file.

During playback, the game simply replays the inputs from the starting location stored in the recording's save data. No audio or video is necessary, as the game will reproduce these at runtime using the save and input data.

Recordings are stored inside the persistent data folder.

Can I change the persistent data folder location?

No. Giftscop uses Unity's persistentDataPath property to determine the folder's location, and it is not possible to change this.

The game crashed in Odd Care, what should I do?

This crash has been added to Giftscop intentionally, to replicate what happens in Petscop 9 and 10.

When the crash occurs, your progress is automatically saved. To continue playing, close Giftscop and reopen it to return to the title screen, then reload your save file.

My question is not answered here

If you have a question that is not answered on this page, feel free to mention it in our Discord server.


How do I play multiplayer?

You may use gsmp, located in the same folder as the game's executable, to connect to the multiplayer server.

Only the most recent version of Giftscop supports multiplayer. Older versions may not connect to multiplayer, even if they previously could at the time of their release.

More information on multiplayer, including server rules, may be found here.

Do I need to join the Giftscop Discord server to play multiplayer?

You need a Discord account for authentication, but it does not need to be in the Giftscop server.

Why does everyone else in multiplayer have a red triangle head?

See "can I change my appearance to look like other characters?".

How do I communicate with other players in multiplayer?

The P2 to TALK system is the main method of communication within multiplayer.

P2 to TALK is difficult to use. Will you make it easier to communicate?


As discussed previously, accuracy is a higher priority than convenience or user-friendliness. That said, the P2 to TALK page contains information that will help you understand how to use it, including a tool to retrieve the button sequence for a given word.

I heard Giftscop has extra features that weren't in Petscop, like a chatbox and custom characters. What's up with those?

Text chat and custom sprite sheets have been removed; you may still use P2 to TALK to communicate in multiplayer.

When these extra features were added, Petscop was still ongoing and it was clear to everyone that they were not the point of Giftscop. More recently however, they have caused many to misunderstand the intent of the project, leading to frustration for everyone involved, and making us lose interest in developing them. Because of this, we are focusing more strictly on content relating to the original Petscop videos.

We do not want people to view Giftscop as "Petscop but with custom characters," or "Petscop but with [other features that don't exist in Petscop]." Instead, we hope people follow the project for its actual goal of recreating Petscop itself.

More information on these types of changes may be found in the 1.2 update guide.

Is multiplayer itself an "extra feature"? Will it be removed?

No. It is not inherently an "extra feature," and we do not plan to remove it.

We believe the school demos from Petscop 11, 15 and 23 involve some form of multiplayer. Our goal here is simply to make it possible for interactions like those in the original Petscop videos (from a technical standpoint) to happen within Giftscop.

I was banned from multiplayer. How long is the ban? How can I get unbanned?

Bans are issued for severe or repeated violations of the multiplayer rules. Multiplayer bans are indefinite.

If you wish to appeal a ban, please join our Discord server and ask to contact a moderator. If you are banned from our Discord server, or have previously had your appeal rejected, consider the ban permanent.

Additionally, if you attempt to bypass a ban (such as using an alternate account after your main account was banned) you will not be eligible to appeal your ban.

Please follow the server rules to avoid being banned.