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Giftscop's settings may be modified by editing the settings.ini file in the persistent data folder.

The persistent data folder may be opened by pressing F10 in Giftscop, or by navigating to its location manually:

  • On Windows, the folder may be found at %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Garalina\Petscop
  • On OSX, the folder may be found at /Users/[name]/Library/Application Support/Garalina/Petscop

The file may be modified via a text editor, such as notepad. Make sure to keep the formatting consistent for the file to work properly.

  • Settings with "True" or "False" can only use either of those (case sensitive).
  • Settings with a number are between 0 and 1.
  • Settings with other text accept custom text.

NOTE: If you change something here while Giftscop is running, you will need to close and reopen it before your changes are applied.

List of settings

NOTE: the order of these settings may be different in your settings.ini file.

Setting Value input Default value Description
musicVolume 0-1 1 Volume of music tracks.
sfxVolume 0-1 1 Volume of sound effects.
experimentalFeatures True / False False Whether experimental features are enabled. As of the time of writing (Oct 20, 2024) this option is unused, it may be used in the future however.
disableGhosts True / False False When true, ghosts will be disabled. This option was added in case a game-breaking bug with ghosts is discovered, and will be removed after ghosts have been tested more thoroughly.
invertHorizontalMovement True / False False Whether left and right are inverted.
ntsc True / False True Enables/disables the NTSC filter.
dither True / False True Enables/disables dithering.
playFMV True / False True Whether the video cutscene in the house will play.
language Text en Sets the current language file. Defaults back to English (en) if the language does not exist. See the Languages page for more information.
discordRichPresence True / False True Enables/disables if Giftscop appears on your status in Discord when playing (if Activity is enabled).
widescreen True / False False Enables/disables (custom, non-canonical) widescreen display.
nickname Text (blank) Sets your nickname for multiplayer.